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Repair of Cubicle (high-voltage substation)

Repair and renewal of Cubicle

Compared to other facilities, the repairs and renewals of cubicles seem more likely to be postponed. In some cases, it may lead to a secondary electric accident. We are also offering repair of cubicles and even one-stop service including application to electric power companies on behalf of customers using SINANEN Denki. Why not taking this opportunity to review the items pointed out in the “cubicle safety inspection”?

Are you preparing for secondary accidents?

When a secondary accident occurs, many places in the neighboring facilities also lose power, and a large compensation amount for damages may be claimed in some cases. It is important to update regularly and replace deteriorated equipment.

Renewal and installation of PAS/UGS
In the unlikely event that an accident occurs in the customer’s cubicle and such accident affects ouside the customer’s premises, the customer will be liable for such damage.

Do you know about PCB contamination? There’s a disposal deadline!

PCB: Artificially made and mainly oily chemicals
PCB may contaminate the insulating oil used for transformers, capacitors, etc., of cubicles depending on the date of manufacture. PCB also has a disposal deadline with a difference between high-concentrated and low-concentrated. In addition, PCB is classified as specially controlled industrial waste, which requires proper management and notification.

PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl)
PCB has chemically stable characteristics such as water insolubility, high boiling point, non-degradability by heat, non-combustibility, and high electrical insulation. It was used for various purposes including insulating oil for electrical equipment, heat medium for heat exchangers, and carbonless paper, but is currently prohibited for both manufacturing and importing.

Flow of Cubicle repairs

We will present an approximate price simulation after getting the information disclosed by the customer. The final quotation will be submitted after the on-site survey with the contractor.