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Terms of Use

The purpose of this website is to provide information to gain a broader and deeper understanding of the activities of SINANEN CO., LTD. and its affiliated companies. Please note that you will be deemed to have agreed to the following matters when you browse, use, or download any information on this website.

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All information and URLs on this website are subject to change or deletion without notice.


A prior application is needed for setting a link to this website. Please apply for our permission from “Contact us” on this website with clearing stating the name of the person in charge, contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address), the contents and URL of the website where the link is set, and the purpose of the link. We will contact the applicant by any means when we permit the link. Setting any link without our permission is strictly forbidden.

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A prior application is needed for the appearance of this website or information about this website in any media. Please apply for our permission from “Contact us” on this website or to our public relations section by any means.


Click “Contact us” on this website if you have any comments or questions about this website or the company. We make every effort to respond to every inquiry, except in some cases depending on the contents of the inquiry.

Established on October 1, 2015

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