Restrain investment in energy-saving equipment to 1/3~1/2
We offer subsidy consulting that restrains investment in energy-saving equipment to 1/3~1/2 by utilizing the optimal subsidy that suits the customer. Utilizing the experience and know-how, more than 90% of our subsidy applications have been accepted so far. The national and local governments grant subsidies for the renewal of energy-saving equipment such as air conditioning and lighting equipment, with a budget scale of over JPY 100 billion per year. The cost of introducing energy-saving equipment can be cut significantly by utilizing these subsidies.
Making use of subsidies for equipment installation
The equipment installation costs can be cut by utilizing subsidies when replacing LED lights or air conditioners. There are a variety of subsidies with different requirements on target equipment and subsidy ratio, including national subsidies granted by METI, MOE, or MLIT, and subsidies granted by local governments such as prefectures and municipalities. We support making the use of subsidies more efficient and easier to obtain, based on the customer’s demands, equipment status, and energy consumption status.
Introduction of LED lights, update of air conditioners, solar power for captive consumption, energy-saving diagnosis, etc.

One-stop service from application to operational support
As more and more companies use subsidies for introducing energy-saving equipment, the criteria for granting subsidies are becoming stricter year by year. The application period for effective subsidies is as short as one month in most cases and complicated documents are required even after adoption. We have experts with specialized knowledge who provide one-stop service from subsidy application to follow-up reporting, aiming to receive subsidies together with customers.
Efforts to increase acceptance ratio of subsidies
The subsidy acceptance ratio in the industry is said to be 30% on average, while more than 90% of our applications have been accepted so far. It is because we are conducting research on subsidies every day. The achievements in the subsidy consultant department and the adoption history published by the public offering organization tell us the keys to increase the acceptance ratio. We will select the subsidy according to the desired construction details and support towards adoption, considering the nature of the subsidy.
Flow of subsidy consulting
Obtain the information on ongoing public offerings announced on the website of government offices and share it with our customers. We are offering support for applications, considering the possibility of adoption. In addition to preparing application documents and reports for final inspections, we can also support the preparation of regular status reports that may be required in some cases.