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SINANEN Green Electricity

Emission coefficient-based menu

シThe emission coefficient-based menu is now available on SINANEN Electricity according to your usage status to provide you with even more eco-friendly, safe, and optimal electricity.

2020 SINANEN Electricity Menu
This option offers an adjustment of the CO2 emission coefficient of regular SINANEN Electricity by using a non-fossil certificate or J-credit. The emission coefficient-based menu has undergone a third-party verification conducted by the Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA).

Emission coefficient(kg-co2/kWh) Target companies
0.000 *Those who want to use electricity with substantially 100% renewable energy
*A menu with added value featured by zero CO2 emission using non-fossil certificates, etc.
0.290 Those who want to use electricity with low environemntal impact
Actual emission coefficient Those who do not fall under the above


  • Q.What is the difference from a regular contract?
  • A.It is necessary to conclude a memorandum of understanding regarding the emission coefficient-based menu, in addition to the power interchange contract. If you do not apply for the emission coefficient-based menu, the actual emission coefficient will be applied and only the normal power interchange contract will be concluded.
  • Q.How are the fees for the eco-friendly menu charged?
  • A.It will be charged separately from the regular electricity bill. We will charge you based on an invoice that explicitly states the regular electricity bill plus the eco-friendly menu fee according to the amount of electricity corresponding to the emission coefficient menu.
  • Q.When will it be applied and is there any contract period?
  • A.We will conclude a contract regarding the emission coefficient for one year from the amount of electricity used in April to that in March of the following year. After that, the contract will be automatically renewed every year. We may review the menu every year.
  • Q.What if there is a desired emission coefficient other than the stated emission coefficient menu?
  • A.We will conclude a contract regarding the emission coefficient for one year from the amount of electricity used in April to that in March of the following year. After that, the contract will be automatically renewed every year. Please contact the salesperson of SINANEN Electricity.

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